

Dye it with feeling

Whether it be through letters, figures, or patterns, things that are dyed have stories to tell, landscapes of color to show, ideas to convey.

People say, “do it with feeling.”
We say, “dye it with feeling.”

For the people who use, wear, and display our products, we dye every piece with feeling.

Our Passion


Made from tenugui, a traditional, multi-purpose textile used in Japan for centuries.

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Experience the Craft

Sign up now for one of our hands-on workshops, guided by Nagakan Dyeing Factory professionals!

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Dye Factory since 1887 

Nagakan Dye Factory opened its doors in 1887 in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, a city in northeastern Japan. We produce traditional Japanese dyed goods such as large banners for shrines all over Japan, happi coats, an essential part of traditional festival attire, and the classic noren curtains of Japanese restaurants.

Just as we honor centuries-old Japanese dyeing traditions, we also embrace modern techniques and technology, such as silkprinting with pigments, as well as inkjet printing and sublimation transfer prinring for prints with complex patterns such as photographs.

Nagakan Dyeing Factory is committed to carrying on our rich, local dyeing history, responding to diversifying needs, and passing down knowledge to the next generation of dye artisans.

We flexibly respond to the times, using our know-how to provide custom-made fabric products that our customers demand, with the know-how and advanced dyeing techniques that have been passed down from generation to generation.

There are products that only Nagakan Dyeing Factory, here in the dyeing town of Minami-Someishi-machi, can produce. We dye every peice with feeling, and will continue to do so, 100 years into the future.

Artisan, CEOMasaki Nagano


Have a question? Get in touch with us by filling out the fields below.

    13 Minami-Someishi-machi, Wakabayashi-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi Prefecture 984-0814
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